International students
12 февраля, 23:09
Procedure of Entering the Russian Federation for International Students
ATTENTION! Every international student planning to enter the Russian Federation for studies should notify the NovSU Recruiting and International Students Office about it at least 10 days prior to the entry date by e-mail fro@novsu.ruTO ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH ALL REQUIREMENTS, IT IS RECOMMENDED TO SCHEDULE YOUR ARRIVAL AT WORKING DAYS (MONDAY-FRIDAY)!
ALL STUDENTS MUST HAVE A VALID MEDICAL INSURANCE! If you need help in getting medical insurance, ask NovSU Recruiting and International Students Office (room 2201) for assistance.
Students of all countries are allowed to enter the territory of the Russian Federation for studying if all other rules and conditions are met.
The procedure and conditions of entering the Russian Federation for studies:
1. Before arriving to Russia, international students must notify the NovSU Recruiting and International Students Office at least 10 days prior to the entry date by e-mail A student should wait for the response with the entry information. To ensure compliance with all requirements, it is recommended to schedule your arrival at working days (Monday-Friday).2. Not earlier than 3 calendar days before arrival to Russia, a student must take a PCR test for COVID-19 in the country of residence/stay. It is only possible to enter the Russian Federation if the result of the COVID-19 test is negative. A student should have a Certificate confirming the negative result either in Russian or in English made in the country of residence/stay and present it at the border of the Russian Federation to migration officer and upon arrival in Veliky Novgorod to a representative of the NovSU.
3. Upon arrival to Veliky Novgorod, a student should contact the NovSU Recruiting and International Students Office (room 2201, the NovSU main building, B. St. Petersburgskaya, 41; office phone number: +7(8162)974525 (from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.)) for further instructions. You can contact us any time in our group VKontakte.
The procedure of checking in and staying at NovSU dormitories:
International students can check into a university dormitory and start the educational process in full-time form only after they have got two negative results for the COVID-19 test made with the PCR method.
1. To check into a dormitory and be admitted to classes, an international student has to take the second PCR test within 72 hours after entering the territory of Russia. Before receiving the test results, the student should stay in self-isolation and comply with lockdown restrictions at the place of residence.2. All students can check into the university observation dormitory for free (the address of observation dormitory will be provided by the NovSU Recruiting and International Students Department upon request).
3. At their own will, students can check into a hotel/hostel and pay for the stay at their own expense. If, during the period of self-isolation, international students notice any symptoms of an acute respiratory illness (fever, sore throat, runny nose or cough), they have to inform the NovSU Recruiting and International Students Office immediately and call a doctor.
4. During the self-isolation period, the studying process is held online.
5. After receiving the second negative result of the PCR test for COVID-19, a student should contact the NovSU Dormitory Office (room 4211, the NovSU main building, B. St. Petersburgskaya St., 41) and get a referral for checking into the dormitory, and then go to the NovSU Visas and Registrations Office (room 6520, the NovSU main building, Sashi Ustinova St., 1) to get checked into the dormitory.
6. Without the written approval of the NovSU Visas and Registrations Office checking in the dormitory is not permitted.
Organization of the educational process in the spread of COVID-19:
Since March 1, 2021, all NovSU students have full-time educational process. The studying process can be transferred to an online format on an individual basis by personal application if a student belongs to the following groups of students:a) students with disabilities or health limitations;
b) students having chronic diseases included in the list of diseases stated in the decree of the Governor of the Novgorod region No. 097 dated March 6, 2020, confirmed by a certificate from the Novgorod State University Medical Center.
During the self-isolation period (until the second PCR test result is received), the studying process is held online.
Medical support and information about vaccination:
NovSU Medical Center is located on Sashi Ustinova St., 1, Veliky Novgorod. Office hours: Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m., break: 1:00 - 2:00 p.m. Call +7(8162)332077 to make an appointment. Patients are received by highly qualified specialists. There are also treatment and vaccination rooms, as well as rooms for physiotherapy, massage and physical therapy exercises.
The University cannot provide COVID-19 vaccination for foreign citizens.
If you have any questions or want to clarify the information, please contact NovSU Recruiting and International Students Office (room 2201, the NovSU main building, B. St. Petersburgskaya Str., 41), by e-mail: , phone: +7 (8162)974525 or Social media VKontakte.