13.11.2018  More than a hundred people wrote the Geographical Dictation at NovSU

On Sunday, November 11, the all-Russian public organization «Russian Geographical Society» (RGO) held an international educational campaign called Geographical Dictation 2018.

For the fourth time, the Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University has become a regional platform for carrying out this event. All people who wished to take part in the dictation gathered in one of the flow audiences of the main building. There were more than a hundred people who came – NovSU students and teachers, schoolchildren and the residents of Veliky Novgorod.

«The ratings of the dictation in this year just skyrocketed, - said one of the organizers in NovSU Natalia Dmitruk, who is a Department Chair of Geography, Country Studies and Tourism. - Today, participants from all regions of the country and dozens of countries will write a dictation with us».


With word of encouragement to all who will write the dictation, a cosmonaut Sergey Prokofiev addressed directly from the orbit of the Earth. «The beauty and grandeur of Russia from space stagger the imagination. Study our great country, perceive it, be proud of it. Today, you will discover a lot of new things at the Geographical Dictation», - he said.

The dictation contained 30 questions; participants had 45 minutes to complete them. The questions related to a variety of Geography’s areas. For example, it was necessary to name the cities, which were included in the «Golden Ring» of Russia; to determine which fossil denotes a certain symbol; to remember what kind of city Isaac Ilyich Levitan depicted in his paintings... To answer correctly, participants had to show a high level of erudition, logical thinking and ingenuity.

The results of the Geographical Dictation 2018 will be published on the official website  November 30th.


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