24.10.2017  Rector Of NovSU Viktor Weber Got a Title and Badge of Honor “Knight Of Science And Arts”

By the decision of the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences on October 5, 2017, rector of the Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University Victor Weber was awarded the Title and Badge of Honor "Knight of Science and Arts".

The title of honor "Knight of Science and Arts" is awarded to outstanding national and foreign state and public figures, persons working in science, culture and arts,  who made a significant contribution to the progress of mankind, as well as entrepreneurs, who sponsor the development of science, education, culture and art of Russia. 

In addition to that, faculty members of the School of Medical Education received a Diploma for a scientific discovery "The phenomenon of functional adaptation of the jaw bones of the human body under extreme conditions." This unknown earlier phenomenon lies in resistance of the jaw bone tissue under the action of nonphysiological (extreme) functional loads on the jawbones (wounds in the bone, extraction of teeth, implantation operation, etc.)


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