Логотип проекта

Development of Skills and Teachers Training for Leadership / DeSTT

Развитие компетенций и подготовка учителей в области лидерства DeSTT

Регистрационный номер проекта: 609905-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP

Длительность проекта: 15 января 2020 - 14 января 2023

Цели и задачи проекта

Проект направлен на разработку и модернизацию учебных программ по профессиональному развитию и подготовке учителей в Монголии, Казахстане и России с целью расширения компетенций целевых групп в области лидерства. Результаты проекта включают междисциплинарную модульную программу для уровня магистратуры, которая объединяет педагогические, социологические, психологические, юридические, экономические и управленческие элементы, и программу повышения квалификации «Педагоги-лидеры». Обе программы сделают процесс обучения и повышения квалификации учителей в области лидерства более эффективным, направленным на максимальное взаимодействие педагогов и местного сообщества, на то, чтобы сделать поведение педагогов в профессиональной среде инновационным. Еще одним результатом проекта является Образовательный центр лидерства, который служит платформой для проектирования, развития и продвижения социально значимых идей местного сообщества с участием педагогов.


1. Разработка междисциплинарной модульной программы по подготовке учителей в системе высшего образования (магистратура)

2. Разработка программ повышения квалификации учителей в области лидерства в интегрированных формальных и неформальных образовательных форматах.

3. Создание в университетах стран-партнеров образовательных центров лидерства в качестве платформы для разработки, развития и продвижения социально значимых идей местного сообщества, для налаживания связей педагогов с местным сообществом.

DeSTT - Development of Skills and Teachers Training for leadership

Registration Number of the Project: 609905-EPP-1-2019-1-IT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP

 Project duration: January 15, 2020-January 14, 2023 

The project is aimed at developing and modernizing formal and informal educational programs in the field of professional development and teachers training in Mongolia, Kazakhstan and Russia in order to expand the opportunities of teachers with insufficient leadership competencies. As well as creating an educational leadership center as a platform for the design, development and promotion of socially significant ideas of the pedagogical community in the region.

Official Website of the Project:  www.destt.info

Project Page on Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/Destt.20/

The DeSTT project leaflet is in Kazakh, English, Russian.

 Project Coordinator: University of Cassino and Southern Lazio (Italy)

 Project ConsortiumMembers:

  1. Fondazione Sicurezza e Libertà (Italy)
  2. University of Social Sciences (Poland)
  3. University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain)
  4. Yaroslav-The-Wise Novgorod State University (Russia)
  5. Irkutsk State Agrarian University (Russia)
  6. University of International Business (Kazakhstan)
  7. M. Kozybayev North-Kazakhstan State University (Kazakhstan)
  8. Mongolian National University of Education (Mongolia)
  9. Mongolian University of Science and Technology (Mongolia)
  10. Mongolian University of Life Sciences (Mongolia)

 Aims and specific objectives:

 The project consortium will transfer knowledge and experiences from EU country to the others to understand the differences of the eligible countries (Russia, Kazakhstan and Mongolia). The countries share the same challenges in training teachers for leadership and should share common solutions. The variety of countries becomes an added value in a global system.

 Innovative interdisciplinary module cluster for 2nd cycle of higher education will integrate formal and informal education approaches, ICT methodologies to training teachers for leadership and will promote practice-oriented skills learning. Multidisciplinary curriculum will be created (Master MA 1 year 30 ECTS) and it will combine pedagogical, psychological, sociological, educational law, economics and human resource management modular elements.

 The project meets the national and regional level priorities of Partner Countries in curriculum development in the field of education, information and communication technologies, business and administration, social and behavioural sciences.

 In particular:

 1. Developing  Master program for training teachers in the formal system of education (MA 1 year 30 ECTS).

 2. Developing programs for professional development of teachers for leadership in integrated formal and informal educational formats

 3. Establishing Education Centres for Leadership as platforms for the design, development and promotion of socially significant ideas of the local community, for networking of educators with local community

 Project Summary

 The project intends to develop and modernize formal and informal education curriculum in professional development and training of teachers in Mongolia, Kazakhstan, and Russia with the aim of empowering target groups with the deficient competences in the field of leadership. The project’s outcomes include a multidisciplinary module program for 2nd cycle of formal education which combines pedagogical, sociological, psychological, law, economics and management elements and professional development program “Teachers as Leaders”. Both programs will make the process of training and professional development of teachers for leadership more effective, aimed at maximizing interaction of educators in a community, at making their behavior in a professional environment innovative. One more project outcome is Education Centre for Leadership serving as a platform for the design, development and promotion of socially significant ideas of the local community, a model for the interaction and e-networking of active representatives of the local community.