
Address:  Veliky Novgrod, Russia, Antonovo 1. (location map)

Information on hotels and recreation facilities in Veliky Novgorod:
Participants are kindly requested to arrange their travel and hotel accommodation.


How to get to Veliky Novgorod from Moscow
We recommend using direct train.

How to get to Veliky Novgorod from Saint-Petersburg
There are a few ways of getting to Veliky Novgorod:

There are minibuses that go from Saint-Petersburg to Velikiy Novgorod, including ones that can pick you up at Pulkovo airport. You should reserve the tickets a few days before the ride online at or by phone +7 921 950-05-01.

There are buses that depart from Saint Petesrburg central bus depot
You can buy tickets online or in the train station ticket window.

You can get to Veliky Novgorod by train that departs twice a day.

Useful links