
  International Seminar on Biocosmology

  Novgorod State University
Institute of Medical Education, 
22-25 July, 2010


Subject area of the seminar: Primarily, the seminar on Biocosmology imports the recurrence (and is based on) the original sense of the notion «cosmology» that precisely means:

1. Presentation and development of a complete ("global") outlook (fundamental representation about the world as a whole);
2. Rational resolution of the issue about active driving forces in the world (cosmos) as a whole (that is the subject matter of aetiology), - i.e. the causes  that ultimately realize all safe evolutionary processes, comprehending sentient subjects and, thus, - including the ontogenesis of each person and ascending cycles-stages of the evolutionary processes of public and ecological development;
3. Definition of fundamental (universal) laws as much regarding physical (Non-Organicistic) as organic (life) phenomena and processes, in that considering equally all spheres and levels of life organization: biological, ecological, personalist, societal, culturological;
4. Elucidation (by means of a rational and, thus, universal reasoning) of a place and role of the person in the current global developments which, in turn, are integrated into the common cosmic evolution of life on the Earth.

 July, 22
The day of arrival and registration (to be continued in the morning, July 23)


July, 23
13:00-13:30 Session 1: The opening ceremony, salutatory addresses:

Chairman: Prof.  Anatoly V. Karpov
1. Prof. Viktor R. Veber (Novgorod Velikiy) - "Welcoming address from the Rector of Novgorod State University";
2. Prof. Viktor K. Kozlov (Sankt-Petersburg) - "Salutatory address from the Sankt-Petersburg State University"
3. Prof. Takao TAKAHASHI (Japan) - «Biocosmology - a view from Asia»
4. Prof. Hans-Martin SASS (Germany, USA) - «Biocosmology - a view from Europe and America»
5. Prof. Sergey N. Grinchenko - "Biocosmology - a view from Russia";
6. Doc. Konstantin S. Khroutski - "Basic points of Biocosmology, advanced for the consideration during the Seminar. The planned structure of the presentations and arrangements"

13:30-14:35 - Session 2: Issues of Bio-ethics
Chairman: Prof.  Viktor K. Kozlov
1. Prof. Hans-Martin SASS (Germany) - "Cosmos and Globe as a Living Beings"
2. Associate professors Michael Anjello Jothi RAJAN, S. VINCENT and Arockiam THADDEUS (India) - "Is cultural pluralism an indicator of good health?"
3. Prof. Vasiliy I. Shubin (Ukraine), Yevgen Smotrytskyy (Germany) - «Philosophy of the developing harmony of V.N.Sagatovsky as a variant of anthropocosmic worldviewing»
4. Assoc. Prof. Nader GHOTBI (Iran) - "Universal Bioethics - A Biocosmological Perspective" 
5. Ph.D. candidate Shuhei TAGUCHI (Japan) - "Human Enhancement and Biocosmology" 

14:35-14:45 Tea Break

14:45-18:25  Session 3: Issues of Bio-medicine
Chairmen: Prof. Cornelia GUJA (Romania); Prof. Boris F. Chadov; Prof.  Georgiy S. Arkhipov
1. Prof.  Anatoly V. Karpov (Novgorod Velikiy) - «Biocosmological aspects of combatting tuberculosis at the present stage»
2. Prof. Yuri G. Gaevsky (Novgorod Velikiy) - «A new approach to the studying of the harmony of vegetative nervous system's levels functioning»
3. Prof. Georgiy S. Arkhipov, Prof. Ekaterina I. Arkhipova (Novgorod Velikiy) - «Universal self-organizing mechanisms of immune system: Biocosmological prospects of studying this issue»
4. Prof. Margarita N. Kopina (Novgorod Velikiy) - «Hormonal interactions - in Biocosmological aspect»

15:50-16:00 Tea break 

5. Prof. Viktor K. Kozlov,  Ph.D. Sergey V. Yarilov (Sankt-Petersburg) - «Trinity of the intergative-regulatory system of an organism: methodological and practical aspects in modern biomedicine»
6. Vladimir N. Uralsky (Novgorod Velikiy) - «Laser therapy as a method of bioenergetic influence on the human body»
7. Assoc. Prof. Michael Anjello Jothi RAJAN, S. VINCENT and Arockiam THADDEUS (India) - "Do new epidemics set trends to explore traditional medicines?"
8. PhD Natalia P. Fedorova (Novgorod Velikiy) - «Metasympathetic nervous system - from the Biocosmological point of view»

17:05-17:15 Tea break

9. Igor F. Malov (Moscow) - "Ontology and gnoseology of integral medicine"
10. Prof. Susumu TANABÉ (Japan) - "Pathogenic model and Recovery model: Historical and theoretical inquiry"
11. Sakiko ONAKA (Japan) - "Trager Approach® and Biocosmology"
12. Ph.D. candidate Kenjiro UEMURA (Japan) - "Psychotherapy's and Spiritual Care's Art of Listening - in the Biocosmological light"
13. Lect. Ilya V. Vladimirov, stud. Anna Chirkova (Novgorod Velikiy) - «Aristotle - philosopher and physician»

18:30-20:30 -Welcome reception

July 24

10:00-11:05 Session 4: Issues of Bio-sciences
Chairmen: PhD Dennis V. Kovalenko, Prof. Takao TAKAHASHI, Ass. Prof. Michael A. J. RAJAN, Prof. Igor B. Orlov
1. Prof. Sergey N. Grinchenko (Moscow) - «Informatiсs-cybernetic aspect of the Universe»
2. Ph.D. candidate Kayo UEJIMA (Japan) - "Proposal of Nous-Self Concept as a Worldview for the Symbiotic Integration of Modern Science"
3. Prof. Igor A. Lantsev (Novgorod Velikiy) - «The person in a universe. A conceptual approach on the basis of a quantum paradigm»
4. Doc. Nicolai N. Ostroukhov (Moscow) - «Physical processes of formation and self-development of the human civilization»

11:05-11:15 Tea break

5. Prof. Sohail INAYATULLAH (Taiwan, Australia) - "Using macrohistory and causal layered analysis to map the futures of humanity"
6. Prof. Igor B. Orlov (Moscow) - «Historical Knowledge Faced with the Choice of Moral Foundations»
7. Prof. Viktor I. Franchuk (Moscow) - «On the possibility of a social evolution management»
8. Senior researcher Аndrei N. Baturin (Ekaterinburg) - «Approaching the issue of bipolarity and triadicity of global economy»

12:30-12:40 Tea break 

9. Prof. Boris F. Chadov (Novosibirsk) - «Cyclic energy streams and their manifestation: matter, living, consciousness»
10. Prof. Cornelia GUJA (Romania) - "The Individual's Anthropology and Biocosmology. Prerequisites of a Common Informational Methodology"
11. Yevgen Smotrytskyy (Germany) - «Cosmos. Chemistry. Life»
12. Hiroyuki KAJIHARA (Japan) - «Aso Ecomusee: Restoring the Cosmology and Cultural Relativism»
13. Stud. Eugene Aksenenka, doc. Konstantin S. Khroutski (Novgorod Velikiy) - « "Russia - the second native land of Darwinism " or 'the first native land of nomogenesis (orthogenesis)'?»

13:30-15:00 Обед (Lunch)

15:00-16:05 Session 4 (continuation): Issues of Bio-sciences

14. Prof. Valentin P. Simonov (Moscow) - " Essential points of the systems activity-based approach in the  modern science and practice "
15. Prof. Kwon Jong YOO (Korea) - "On the Purpose of the Mind study for joint with the perspective of Biocosmology"
16. Prof. Youngjun JANG (Korea) - "A Proposal for a New Linguistic Analysis from the Perspective of Biocosmology"
17. P.G. Andrei V. Kuzmin (Novgorod Velikiy) - «Individualization of educational process - the perspective of constructing expert systems for support of the choice by a student of her/his "individual educational trajectory"»

16:05-16:15 Tea break

16:15-17:30 Session 5: Issues if Bio-philosophy
Председатель: Prof. Hans-Martin SASS
1. Prof. Milan TASIC (Serbia) - "Toward a Personalism (in All): On the Biocosmological Road of a Possible "Copernican Turn"
2. Prof. Takao TAKAHASHI (Japan) - "Before Biocosmology"
3. Prof. Albert N. Kochergin (Moscow) - "Cosmoecology - as a precondition of the noosphere"
4. Prof. James A. MARCUM (USA) - "Tolstoy, Humanizing Modern Scientific Medicine, and BioCosmology" 
5. Prof. Jitendra N. SARKER (Bangladesh) - "Emergence of Divinity in Man through the Process of Bio-cosmological Evolution"
6. Prof. Marina P. Rubanova, Prof. Svetlana V. Zhmailova, Vitaly S. Bondarenko (Novgorod Velikiy) - «Life and Death in comprehension by Strahov and Rozanov - Russian outstanding philosophers»
7. Prof. Vasiliy I. Shubin (Ukraine) - «Integrity of the cosmos-centric worldviewing and its loss»
8. Doc. Konstantin S. Khroutski (Novgorod Velikiy) - "The decisive evolutionary significance of the modern "integrativist" explorations - in the Biocosmological vector of development"

17:30-17:40 Tea break

17:40-18:30 Session 6. Organizational issues and the final discussion
Chairman: Prof. Milan TASIC
1 Doc. Konstantin S. Khroutski (Novgorod Velikiy): 
А. «Discussion and the statement of the charter of the International Biocosmological association»;
Б. «Discussion and the statement of the project of the International journal "Биокосмология (Biocosmology) - neo-Aristotelism"»
2. Final discussion of the Seminar's issues

 July 25

10:00-12:00 Session 7. Consultations of the participants in the sections

(if necessary)


 Departure of the participants