
23.04.2013  Video meeting with Appalachian State University (North Carolina)

Участники конференции

On 22 April, a video meeting between NovSU and Appalachian State University took place at NovSU Competence Centre. Vice-Rector for International Affairs Mikhail Pevzner, Director of School of Continuous Pedagogical Education Alexander Shirin, Chair of Teacher Education and Social Management Department  Rosa Sheraizina,    Professor from University of Hildesheim (Germany) Olga Graumann, Head of Office of International Affairs Natalya Shaidarova,  lecturer  of Teacher Education and Social Management Department  Irina Donina, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of Novgorod Institute of Education Development Marina Alexandrova, and Deputy-Director of High School #4, the alumnus of the Department Elena Mednik took part in the meeting on the part of NovSU. Appalachian State was represented by Associate Vice Chancellor, International Education and Development Jesse Lutabingwa, Chair of Leadership and Educational Studies Rob Sanders, Interim Director of the Doctoral Program in Educational Leadership Vachel Miller, and Professor of Instructional Technology John Tashner.

Участники телемоста

Video meeting proceeded in a friendly businesslike atmosphere. Representatives of both universities shared their experiences in teaching Master program in Educational Leadership, found a lot of similarities in the methods of teaching, from Vygotsky's educational system on out to the use of 3-D virtual games in the learning process, shared their experience in the development and implementation of the dual degree programs, etc.

Участники телемоста

In conclusion, the following short-term and long-term cooperation between the two departments were planned:

  • Exchange of students and faculty members,
  • Conduction of video-lectures,
  • Joint research and publications,
  • Exchange visits to universities to establish personal contacts with faculty members and compare the educational programs,
  • Organization of joint distance learning,
  • Development of double degree Master's program in the field of Educational Leadership, etc.
