09.03.2019  A cooperation agreement has been signed between NovSU and Uppsala University (Sweden)

The NovSU School of Economics and Management professor Rimma Timofeeva and NovSU student Anna Ivleeva visited Uppsala University (Sweden) at the official invitation last week.

Rimma Timofeyeva has made a presentation on the topic “Regions in Contemporary Russia – Development Trends and Local Initiatives in Novgorod 2010-2018” at the Institute for Russian and Eurasian Studies (IRES) at Uppsala University. She has spoken about the history of the city and NovSU, about modern realities and about the project of the National Technology Initiative and the NovSU participation in the project, as well as about the regional development strategy in the following areas: industrial export center, center of national history and identity, national recreation and rehabilitation center. She has focused in more detail on the “City-University” project.

A cooperation agreement has been signed between the NovSU and the Institute for Russian and Eurasian Studies (Uppsala University) with the aim of developing international cooperation in science, education, and research. The agreement has been signed by the acting rector of the NovSU, Yury Borovikov, and the director of the IRES, Klas Levinsson.



In addition, contacts have been established with representatives of the KIMER University (Almaty, Kazakhstan).


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