09.11.2017  A new acting rector Yuri Borovikov was introduced to the NovSU Academic Council

An intersessional meeting of the NovSU Academic Council, during which a new acting rector of the university Yuri Borovikov was introduced, took place on November 8.

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The main and the only one item on the agenda was the resignation of the rector of Novgorod State University Viktor Weber and inauguration of the acting rector Yuri Borovikov.  The Ministry of Education representative Sergei Nachalov read the orders from the Minister of Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva. 

The Governor of the Novgorod region Andrey Nikitin, the chairperson of the Novgorod Regional Duma Elena Pisareva and the Mayor of Veliky Novgorod Yuri Bobryshev attended to the meeting chaired by the NovSU President Anatoly Gavrikov.


Andrey Nikitin stressed that "Certainly, the development of life quality in Novgorod region is inseparable from the development of the university. There is a university in the region, the university is developing, therefore our region has a future.” The Governor briefly recounted the tasks, which are now to be solved in the region. Andrey Nikitin also mentioned the university specialties, which are a breakthrough, according to his opinion. These are History and Archeology, Radio Electronics and Medicine. He recalled that Viktor Weber is not only an acting academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, but that he also remains the director of the NovSU School of Medical Education and expressed his hope for further professional cooperation. In addition, the head of the region thanked V. Weber for his work and awarded him the " Honorary Scientist of the Novgorod Region" title.


Victor Weber expressed his appreciation for the awards and stressed that he is proud to live and work in the Novgorod land, that he is proud of Veliky Novgorod, the city where the first school was opened, the first books and the first scientists appeared. He said that the university in such a city should have appeared earlier than in Moscow, but it was created only in 1993 and gave a powerful impetus to the development of education, new jobs and new specialties which had never existed in Novgorod: medicine, jurisprudence, etc. He thanked all the colleagues for their work on the development of the university. "I am proud that I have been serving the university for 23 years, almost 10 years as a Rector, and I am going to keep serving... I have already met Yuri Borovikov and am glad that he is a representative of the glorious Tomsk school, that he has a lot of experience in pedagogical, scientific and managerial work, so the university will be in good hands," he concluded the speech, which was greeted with standing and applauding. 

The new acting rector of the NovSU, now the chairperson of the Academic Council as well, Yuri Borovikov, was brief. He said that it is a great honor for him to accept a proposal, that he is aware of the serious tasks, which the university has to face. He believes that the university should become a truly flagship one for the region and understands what is necessary to do. Taking the opportunity, he thanked the Minister of Education and Science and the Governor of the region for their confidence and finished his speech with the words: "I will try to deserve the trust of the university staff".


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