
23.03.2017  The Institute of Agriculture holds Doors Open Day for technical schools and colleges of the region

On March 21, at 10.30 at NovSU School of Agriculture and Natural Resources the Doors Open Day was held for the secondary professional educational institutions of Novgorod Region. The students and graduates of the Novgorod Agronomic Technical School, the Valdai Agricultural Technical School, and the Borovichi Agricultural-Industrial College took part in this event.

The students and faculty members the NovSU School of Agriculture along with employers met with their prospective students. Doors Open Day began in a NovSU Physical-and-Sport Complex with the volleyball competition among the student’s teams of the NovSU School of Agriculture and Natural Resources and NAT. After that, prospective students had an excursion around the School, and heads of secondary professional educational institutes participated in the round table session “The Networking Cooperation of Higher and Secondary Agricultural Educational Institutions of Novgorod Region: Enrollment of Prospective Students in 2017.”
