
13.11.2016   Associate professor of NovSU participated in the International conference about cooperation of Russia and France

On November 11, the International anniversary scientific conference “20 years of cooperation of the Russian Federal Property Fund and GRNS in support of the Russian-French scientific research” took place in the Central House of Scientists in Moscow. The conference was devoted to the twentieth anniversary of interaction of the Russian Federal Property Fund and National Center of Scientific Research of France (CNRS) and semicentenary anniversary of the Russian-French scientific and technical cooperation. Heads of the brightest joint scientific projects, executed over the last years on grants of the Russian Federal Property Fund and CNRS, as well as official representatives of two partner organizations took part in it. The audience was welcomed by the chairperson of the board of the Russian Federal Property Fund academician V. Panchenko, the head of CNRS Alain Fuchs, the Ambassador of France in Russia Jean-Maurice Ripert, the director of Institute of General History of RAS academician A. Chubaryan, the director of Institute of Europe of RAS  Gromyko, the member of council of the Russian Federal Property Fund, the director of Institute of Democracy and Cooperation in Paris N. Narochnitskaya, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation A. Lopatin and the assistant to the President of the Russian Federation A. Fursenko.

The associate professor of NovSU Dmitry Astashkin made the report “Joint French-Russian Study of the Soviet lawsuits over War Criminals in 1943-1991” on conference. D. Astashkin actively investigates this subject with assistance of RHF within the collective project "The Soviet Lawsuits over War Criminals in 1943-1991: Purposes, Functions and Effects of Electoral Mediatization".
