
12.10.2016  Visit of the director of the Medical College of Novgorod State University to Iceland

On 15-24 September, Russian faculty members involved in the training of middle-level specialists for healthcare in St. Petersburg and Veliky Novgorod visited the University of Iceland (Reykjavik). The visit took place within the framework of the joint Russian-Scandinavian project on the development of scientific and educational cooperation in the field of nursing. Veliky Novgorod was represented by Natalia Lebedeva, the director of the Medical College of Novgorod State University.

Natalia Lebedeva - third from the left

Cooperation between Iceland, Finland and Russia in the field of nurse training is carried out for several years. Previously, Icelandic and Finnish faculty members and their students paid multiple visits to St. Petersburg and Veliky Novgorod.

The system of professional training of middle-level specialists for healthcare in Iceland has much in common with the programs in Russia, so the mutual interest is justified. Educational standards for the training of nurses in Russia, and in Iceland pay great attention to the research component, which became a central aspect in collective work on the project. In addition to the discussion of these issues, the guests visited the training facilities and health institutions, which clearly gave the idea of the theoretical and practical parts of the educational process in Iceland.

The approach to nursing, the precise definition of its scope, functions and forms of organization of nursing personnel are different in every country. They depend on the features of the national culture, the healthcare system level, demographic and other factors. And yet, in some things nursing is universal. Thus the further cooperation will certainly be continued.
