
28.09.2016  The NovSU Academic Council appreciated the results of the State Final Certification and the development of online learning

27 September, a regular meeting of the NovSU Academic Council took place. On the agenda there were two main issues: the results of the work of the State Examination Committee in 2016 and the development of online education.


The head of educational-methodical management Galina Chursinova reported on the first issue. In particular, she noted that for the State Final Certification there were established ninety-one State Examination Commissions (SEC). In general, meetings of the SEC were carried out on 40 areas of bachelor’s training, 14 areas of master’s training, 20 specialties of full-time and distance education. According to the results of the State Final Certification, 1856 people were awarded the diplomas, 1582 of whom were defending the graduate qualification work. 183 works were performed on requests of external customers, the results of 166 works were already implemented, and 172 works were recommended for publication. In general, at the University 55.8% of students defended their graduate qualification work with excellent grade, and 15% of graduates received diplomas with honors.

Director of the Center of New Information Technologies Nikolay Kurmyshev informed in detail on the second topic of the agenda. He said that at present, NovSU has a modern technological platform for online education support   and extensive experience of using online education in some disciplines of higher and secondary vocational education, courses of further education, international educational projects. Approximately 300 online courses are used in the educational process of the NovSU, 15 of them are in English. Here is some statistics: 14255 registered users, more than 9,500 hits per day, etc.

As usual, the session began with the presentation of letters of Appreciation of the Rector of NovSU, mayor of Veliky Novgorod and the Chairman of the Novgorod Regional Duma, and award of diplomas of the Department of Education and Youth Policy and the Rector of NovSU.
