
17.09.2015  Exhibition of new book at the NovSU Research Library

The NovSU Research Library (41 Bolshaya St. Peterburgskaya St.) opened two new book exhibitions.

The “Svyatoy Vityaz Zemli Russkoy (The Holy Prince of Russian Land)” exhibition dedicated to Alexander Nevsky - on the 12 September, it would be 795 years since his birth (approx.1220 - 1263). Alexander Yaroslavich Nevsky became famous as the greatest military leader and diplomat of the medieval Russia and was canonized by the Russian Orthotodox Church. The exhibition features books, albums and researches, dedicated to this grand statesman’s life activity.  

The “Historical Portraits” exhibition is timed to the 270th anniversary of the birth of Mikhail Illarionovich Golenischev-Kutuzov (1745-1873) - the solemnest Prince, Russian military leader, General-field marshal, Commander-in-Chief acting against the Napoleon’s army. Biographical materials, historical researches, albums and books presented at the exhibition are dedicated to Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov. 
