
14.04.2015  Students of the NovSU Medical College visited the Hermitage.

Last week, students of the NovSU Medical College visited the State Hermitage in St Petersburg. More than 60 medical students took part in this trip. Most of them, by the way, were freshmen.

During the tour students had an opportunity to get acquainted with the richest collection of authentic and unique objects of world culture - artifacts of ancient Egypt and ancient world, jewelry items and weapons, classic Western Europe paintings, architectural interiors of the Winter Palace. Then the excursionists were given a chance to make a choice of routes themselves and visit those halls of museum that were more attractive for them. By the way, it had been students of the Medical College themselves who had chosen the State Hermitage as the main reason for visiting the city on the Neva river. Moreover, thanks to the rector of NovSU and the administration of the Medical College, this excursion program was absolutely free for students. During the road excursion, students were told about the military and culture-historic events that had taken place at different times on the Novgorod land and the northern capital. It reminded once again about the upcoming anniversary of the Victory Day and Year of Literature. On the way back, students had an opportunity to visit Pushkin town and its famous park-ensembles.
