
10.04.2015  Traditional April Days of Science begin on Monday in NovSU

On April 13-18, traditional Days of Science and the XXIIth Conference of Faculty Members, Postgraduates and Students will take place at NovSU. During the week, research work results of 2014 will be summed up.


Days of Science at NovSU include dozens of book exhibitions, academic competitions, discussions, “Best Research Work” competitions, research and practice seminars, intellectual games, exhibitions of publications, meetings with prospective employers, etc. For example, academic competitions on numerical methods and mathematical modeling, probability theory, methods of information protection and so on will be held at the Department of Applied Mathematics and Informatics. There will be “The Best Design of Souvenir Gifts” competition at the Department of Art and Plastic Material Processing, and the Design Department will hold a roundtable with representatives of relevant companies of Veliky Novgorod and exhibit students’ creative work. English Language Department will organize an intellectual game “What? Where? When?” in the field of translation and a competition on the best translation of a literary text.
