
08.04.2015  NovSU students will participate in the Regional Competition in Economy

On April 9 at 10.00 am-01.00pm, the Novgorod Branch of the St. Petersburg State University of Economics will become a venue of the Regional Student Competition in Economy. It will bring together students of the Novgorod Branch of Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University, Novgorod Branch of St. Petersburg State University of Economics.

Assignments are designed by the Competition Commission, which is composed of experienced faculty members of the above higher education institutions.

According to the results of the Competition, the participants will be awarded in two categories: university students and college students.

The winners (1st place) will be awarded with the Novgorod Region Development Agency certificates and monetary awards (2000 rubles). The prize winners (2nd, 3rd    places) will receive certificates of the Agency.

Summarizing and rewarding the winners of the Competition will be held at the meeting of the Council of Young Scientists and Specialists of the Novgorod region.
