
28.10.2014  Monitoring of the residual knowledge after passing the Unified State Examination will be conducted among NovSU 1st year students

On 29 – 31 October, higher education institutions will host an evaluation of the school program residual knowledge among high school graduates 2014 against control measuring tools.

В НовГУ пройдёт мониторинг остаточных знаний первокурсников после сдачи ЕГЭ

57 educational institutions located on the territory of all Federal Districts of Russian Federation were selected for the evaluation.

The evaluation of the residual knowledge will be conducted among the 1st year students who study Law, Physics and Mathematics, Medical Education and have passed the Unified State Examination in 2014. The total number of students from the chosen educational institutions equals 28,5 thousand people. The evaluation will include four disciplines: Russian Language (students of Law will be tested), Physics (students of Physics and Mathematics will be tested), Biology and Chemistry (students of Medical Education will be tested). 

In the Yarolav-the-Wise Novgorod State University, the monitoring of the residual knowledge will take place in the end of October. Students will take the Russian Language test. It starts on 29 October at 10:00 am at the Law Faculty of NovSU School of Humanities. 

Public observers – NovSU students who do not take part in the evaluation - will insure the fairness of residual knowledge evaluation. 
